日本とイランの架け橋On the bridge between Japan and Iran


Company Profile

Company Profile

Company name ZAGROSS.JAPAN Co., Ltd.
Representative BABAEI ALI
location 2-24-24 Yoshino-cho, Kita-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 331-0811
Tel 048-783-2600
Fax 048-653-2109
Established August 14, 2020
Bank Saitama Credit Bank Miyahara Branch
Business content
  1. Sales of food and drinks by vehicle and catering business
  2. Manufacture and sale of food
  3. Restaurant management
  4. Introduction and mediation of sports instructors
  5. Sale of used cars, used motorcycles and their parts
  6. Import / export and trading
  7. Mail order business
  8. Travel agency
  9. Interpretation and translation business
  10. Training, management and promotion of talents and artists
  11. Study abroad support business
  12. Planning and management of international exchange projects
  13. All businesses incidental to the previous case
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